An app with everything
Tools to invest better
Portfolio Performance
Track the performance of your assets over the last month.
Buy low, sell high
Automatically trade at the prices you choose.
Invest regularly
Use volatility in your favor and buy every day, week, or month.
Weekly earnings
Get yields on your digital dollars.
Trade like a pro
Bitso Alpha, the app created by traders for traders.
How to begin investing
Start buying in minutes

Trusted by millions of users
Why is Bitso safe?
You can always check the solvency of your funds with our proof of reserves.
- Learn more - Withdraw anytime
Withdraw anytime
All your funds are held by Bitso and you can withdraw at any time you choose.
Locally regulated
Bitso holds local financial licenses in every country we operate: Mexico, Brazil, and Argentina.
International certification
Licensed by the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission (GFSC), one of the most innovative financial regulators in the world.
Our numbers
Discover the power of crypto
Global Users
B2B Clients
in transactions processed on Bitso Business
6.5B USD
in Remittances from the U.S. to Mexico